Why us and why Collectively Aligned? In this episode, we are going to talk about the journey that brought us to this moment, and the name Collectively Aligned. Along, with our journey of us as husband and wife.

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Together, we are Collectively Aligned, the conversational podcast about intuition, parenting, lifestyle, and business.

We are delighted to have you here.

So let’s get into today’s episode.

I’m going to start off by talking about Collectively Aligned.

Gosh, how long ago did I do my training? I reckon about eight years ago. I was studying part-time in life coaching, and as part of the program, I came up with the name Collectively Aligned for something I was going to use in my business. However, things came up, circumstances changed, and I didn’t end up going ahead. But I didn’t want to lose the name because I loved it.

Over the last eight years, there have been many times when I had project ideas and thought, “I’ll use it, I’ll use it.” But I still haven’t used it. Then, the journey brought us to today. Over the last year, there have been significant changes in our lives, which we’ll share in upcoming episodes. These changes have enabled us to learn more about our intuition and trust our guides, etc.

As a result, it suddenly all came flooding to me that Collectively Aligned was actually about Dean and me. In all honesty, we finish each other’s sentences all the time—or start them. In our individual lives, as parents, and in our businesses, everything flows when we feed off each other. Dean has always been my sounding board. I’ve been in business for myself for 11 years, and Dean is a new entrepreneur coming in. This is pretty exciting, and this is how we came to think that Collectively Aligned was actually us.

It’s funny, when this started, Collectively Aligned got bounced around many times. Different options and avenues were considered, but nothing ever really sat right. I think that penny dropped today, making us realise it was always about us. Yes, it’s something for someone else, but it is also something for everyone. It’s our way of explaining our journey and how we got to where we are today.

We should probably tell you a little bit about who we are. We have three kids—three awesome and very grey-hair-giving kids.

We call them “free range.” Yes, we call our kids the free-range chickens, and we should explain that. When it comes to parenting, we’re both very intuitive and don’t believe in holding kids down and stifling them. Others felt the need to raise their kids in very controlled environments, but we allowed our children to have more freedom and flexibility to think for themselves. When they trust their intuition and themselves, their creativity and care for nature and others have exploded in ways that make us so proud as parents.

We’ve emphasised that respect and love are two things that the world needs more of. We keep telling our kids that love and respect are essential values to carry through life.

I learned this from my grandfather, Angus. He always said there’s not enough love in this world. We see terrible things happening, and it’s hard to think that life can be so harsh for some people. If we all shared a bit more love and respected one another, we could live long, happy lives. We remind our kids that no matter how someone behaves, you don’t know what’s going on in their world. Your small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone’s day or even their life.

Our middle child, who can be quite intuitive but also push our buttons, always says thank you and wishes others a nice day. When someone asks how he is, he replies, “I’m great, how are you?” Teachers at his school have told us they’ve never had a student ask them that. It’s those simple, small steps that make a big difference.

These pleasantries—thank you, please, and how are you—go a long way. They are values we are proud our kids have embraced because they are part of our daily lives.

Looking back on life’s journey, it’s interesting to see how some stumbling blocks are there for a reason. They teach you resilience and to trust your intuition. I’ve had a tough life as a diabetic since I was 9. Through doctors and hospitals, I’ve learned to live with people telling me what I can’t do. It can wear you down, but it teaches you to question, push for answers, and trust your feelings. I encourage my kids to do the same. If something doesn’t feel right, ask questions and find out why.

Life gives challenges to those who have the strength to deal with them, even if they don’t feel it at the time. Together, we’ve faced massive curveballs and won. We love hanging out with each other, funnily enough.

So, Collectively Aligned is about us as a couple, even before kids. We’ve always been in tune with each other and what we want in life. We believe in the saying, “What you give, you get back.” We remind our kids, if you keep being a pain, you’ll get it back.

That’s a bit about us and Collectively Aligned. Thank you for joining us today. If you’d like to learn more about us, head over to www.collectivelyaligned.com.au.

See you next time.